MiR100 程序升级文件 1.9.13
Released: 2017-10-07 Reviewed:
Updated: 2017-10-07 Author:
Downloads: 1378 Dev status: Release
Version: 1.9.13 View:

Release 1.9.13

We are releasing SW. 1.9.12  used for the MiR100, MiR200, Hook and Fleet.  
 For Robots:
Improved handling of robot when stuck in forbidden area
Cleaning up of the harddrive, before running full
Max sound script being executed on every upgrade
Top camera high limits are now correctly handled
Added support for static IP
Added support for EAP-TLS
Disable IPv6 on robots
For Hook:
Improved motor-controller configuration for robots dragging heavy trolley.
Hook pickup using the QR-calibration improved.
On the fly calibration of the hook Improved docking precision with trolleys and without.
Planner issues when robot with heavy loaded trolley in tow turns into itself.
Handling pre-generated routes with hook
For Fleet:
Modify Fleet lift protocol to support lifts that need to know which door to open before switching floor


发行说明 1.8.8


发行说明 1.8.5

Date: 27 March 2017

Label: Software release 1.8.5

Product MiR100 robots and MiRFleet

Replaces SW 1.8.4


This release includes some general fixes to the software:

The Bluetooth has been improved so that it no longer needs to be restarted.  And the shut-down process for the NUC PC in the robot has been strengthened further together with the instructions on the reconfiguring of the power supply. See separate Product service note on how to reconfigure the power supply. It is recommended that users who have experienced database or startup issues update the power supply.

Also, improvements to the fleet software related to the positioning in the maps have been implemented. The route issue that was introduced in 1.8.4 has been fixed.

The issues corrected in SW version 1.8.5 affect both fleet software and robot software. Also, the release includes improvements from 1.8.1, 1.8.2, 1.8.3 and 1.8.4.

Further robot improvements:

[MIRS-3071] - Bluetooth needs to be restarted each morning - Bluetooth area events fail to synchronize in Fleet

[MIRS-3404] - Wrong position in Fleet maps

[MIRS-3434] - Planner dies due to error in synchronization of the paths through fleet

[MIRS-3439] - Shutdown issue in service script

[MIRS-3440] - Bluetooth area events fail to synchronize in Fleet

[MIRS-3442] - Route-moving-to-position bug 1.8.4

[MIRS-3621] - SickPLC ROS node dies if connection is lost

[MIRS-3639] - Fleet lost connection to Robots. Both Robots hijacked and returned to auto (Pause), but now fleet cannot find any robots.

How to update

Robots: On the MiR100 and MiRHook PCs, install “MiR_Software-1.8.5.mir”.

Hook: Remember that MiRHook robots must have the same SW version as MiR100 robots: install “MiR_Software-1.8.5.mir” on MiRHook robots.

Fleet: Remove all robots from the fleet. Then update each MiR robot as described above and before updating MiRFleet.

On the MiRFleet PC, install “MiR_Fleet-1.8.5.mir” and restart the system. Then reconnect the updated robots.


If upgrading from a version before version 1.6.0, please remember that you must upgrade the robot to version 1.6.0 before the 1.8.5 firmware can be applied.

If you are using a pre-release of the 1.8, then you must downgrade to a ‘clean’ release version before applying the update.

It is important to read the release notes of 1.8.1, 1.8.2, 1.8.3 and 1.8.4 before upgrading to 1.8.5.

发行说明 1.8.4

Date: 6 Feb 2017

Label: Software release 1.8.3

Product: MiR100 robots

Replaces: SW. 1.8.2

Released by:  Niels Jul Jacobsen


Besides general fixes to the software, we have in this release included an improvement of the shutting down process for the robot’s NUC PC. This is done to correct a potential crash in the robots’ ability to start after a wrong power-down cycle. See separate Product service note on how to reconfigure the power supply.

The issues corrected in SW version 1.8.4 affect both fleet software and robot software. Also, the release includes improvements from 1.8.1, 1.8.2 and 1.8.3.

Further robot improvements:

- Incorrect docking to a charging station has been fixed.

- Improved undocking routines from charging stations, to avoid collision.

- Spaces in the site naming are now supported.

- An infinite loop related to VL marker positioning has been fixed.

- A planning issue that caused the robot with trolley to get stuck has been fixed.  

- A false status message from the hook encoders when the hook brake is locked has been removed. 

Fleet improvements:

The Fleet improvements cover

- Instances where a robot in the fleet only attempts to dock to a charging station once.

- Synchronization errors between robots and fleet software have been fixed.

- Error label for communications errors between the robot and the fleet has been changed from "Crashed" to the more accurate "Communication Error".

How to update

Robots: On the MiR100 and MiRHook PCs, install “MiR_Software-1.8.4.mir”.

Fleet: Remove all robots from the fleet. Then update each MiR robot as described above and before updating MiRFleet.

On the MiRFleet PC, install “MiR_Fleet-1.8.4.mir” and restart the system. Then reconnect the updated robots.


If upgrading from a version before version 1.6.0, please remember that you must upgrade the robot to version 1.6.0 before the 1.8.4 firmware can be applied.

If you are using a pre-release of the 1.8, then you must downgrade to a clean release version before applying the update.

It is important to read the release notes of 1.8.1, 1.8.2 and 1.8.3 before upgrading to 1.8.4.

下载附件1:MiR_Software-1.9.13.mir 大小: 62.54MB 下载:次 所需积分:0分
MiR100 Software 1.9.12
下载附件2:MiR_Software-1.9.12.mir 大小: 62.53MB 下载:次 所需积分:0分
下载附件3:MiR_Software-1.9.10.mir 大小: 61.41MB 下载:次 所需积分:0分
下载附件4:MiR_Fleet-1.8.8.mir 大小: 55.1MB 下载:次 所需积分:0分
MiR_Software-1.8.8 只能用于MiR100,不可用于MiR200
下载附件5:MiR_Software-1.8.8.mir 大小: 52.02MB 下载:次 所需积分:0分
下载附件6:MiR_Software-1.8.5.mir 大小: 52.01MB 下载:次 所需积分:0分
下载附件7:MiR_Fleet-1.8.5.mir 大小: 55.09MB 下载:次 所需积分:0分
下载附件8:MiR_Software-1.8.4.mir 大小: 52.16MB 下载:次 所需积分:0分
下载附件9:MiR_Fleet-1.8.4.mir 大小: 55.09MB 下载:次 所需积分:0分
下载附件10:MiR_Software-1.8.3.mir 大小: 51.88MB 下载:次 所需积分:0分
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